Photovoltaic installations, like any other industrial infrastructure, require periodic inspections. As a general rule, the thermographic inspection of photovoltaic solar panels on site requires the use of two sensors. – infrared cameras and daylight cameras, to detect defective panels that generate hot spots due to connection problems, physical damage, manufacturing problems or shadows .

Our Drone system, such as the Matrice 300, equipped with state-of-the-art thermal cameras is the best option for the inspection of solar photovoltaic panels. Because in most cases it saves costs compared to manned aviation and time compared to visual inspection with a portable infrared camera, which requires long hours on foot by the operators and with the current size of the plants is totally unfeasible.


We have a process to detect and reference defective photovoltaic panels or other problems:

  • Our drone, flying at an approximate altitude of 30 meters, scans the photovoltaic panels with a thermal camera taking the thermal image in a photograph or video.
  • The goal is to record your geographic position using GPS coordinates. The photos will be analyzed to define the type of defect the panel has.

For this analysis in Exanter we have an EXCLUSIVE data processing technology, we invite you to discover the potential of our software called E-Solar

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